I am not writing in any rush, actually coming here to blog its very difficult lately mostly because I am so far off SL. I call this stage "the Matured Experience Stage".
When I wrote about the 5 stages in a player's life I was in what I call Initial Immersion, how I feel now, was a path I had not taken yet, now I am writting about it since I feel so close to the Exit Stage.
My Matured Experience stage came after I had hitted the breaks hard. I ended my sweet SL affair with my best friend Siggs, I was aready loggin in much less and frankly I was starting to find SL quite dull and utterly booring.
Here is when my best friend (I have 3 best friends) Merry came to me and to
So I setup to live the "SecondLife Business Dream" and get ready to join the rich and famous. So I started Divine Faces and threw a bunch of the marketing It like to think I know in real life. And it was fun.
We sold "shapes" fighting a very complex market with lots of marketing challenges, for instance "how easy it is to make a shape", or "what really counts its a skin".
But still we managed to make some business, I had over 12 salesmen, they received fees automatically with each sale. We had wonderful product I had one designer. Everyting was looking up but....
Did I mention this happened during my Matured Experience stage?
Well this has many sides, on one side since I was experienced in SL, I was able to do lots of things, like negotiation, finding business partners, etc. But I also was very aware than REAL LIFE comes first so I actually did not have the time to look after this new venture. I was in such a rush to make it happen because I knew I was to start stuff in rl.

So I was away from SL for days sometimes weeks as I was giving all my attention to my real life. And the store needed attention, the people willing to work in it needed me to be there. And above all Merry was payin the land fees and she was getting very little from an idle store. So without many considerations we decided to pull the plug quickly.
I dont know what the future of this would have been. I know had I undertaken this months earlier I would have devoted countless hours to it and perhaps I would have gotten something out of my gainings in SL.
Yes, SL can be a nice experiment, a nice lab to try things out, but for me and I fear, for many its a very costly trap. BTW, thats my friend merry, aint she cute?
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