Back then I had my starting point established at the heart of mainland Second Life. I got this idea from a note card that suggested places to visit, one of them was a Balloon Tour over the houses and offices of the Linden Labs employees, I tough I would love to see the life's of the rich and famous, I did not know I would end up stuck on that place like for ever.

Willa would just observe one after another noobie drop in and try it all, just like I had, she would always say "Balloon ride it's broken" but noob after noob would still try it all. Willa could be found normally talking with all her class and coolness with Irving Beardmore. They appeared to me like two super veterans, as they discussed scripts and building and other stuff I could only imagine, I did not dare talking to them for fear of being ignorant.
Immersion stage, continues on the "awe" factor as it feeds on visual perceptions and the mind and imaginations keep running at full speed filling the blanks with the desire to believe. This stage has to be characterized by meeting people, something I appeared to be good at, given that I really like people and the fact I can be outgoing at times. SL helped me exercise some human skills I wanted to work on and loosen up on my shy and reserved nature. In personality tests in real life I score right on the middle balance between introverted and extroverted slightly charged to introversion. Yeap believe it or not, acquaintances in real life cannot believe it either, but that is how I feel internally and how I grew until recent years, of course if my motor gets going I don't stop.

Deep in my mind I knew I was addicted, I looked for help, guidance, or references in-world, of course this was not only stupid but also fruitless. I was being tempted with SL love, its funny but some people seem to project their personalities beyond their avatars, and individuals portray weak or strong presences. What they say of course helps you imagine who they are. Imagine being so vulnerable and in several ways ready to get hit or over run by excitement and emotions. Add your own personal needs and a powerful recipe for virtual love its waiting for you.
I made the commitment to elude SL Love and deep attachments as if they were enemies as I knew this would only hurt me deeply and could be really hurting to my evident and increasing addictive nature and condition.
In my Immersion Stage I met fantastic people, I was making friends everyday a few of them would would stand above and create a little house in my heart, I will not glorify them here, but please know the things I have shared with them are unique and all this craziness, addiction and adventures into this apocalyptic world will binds us across this virtual world, as I am sure other addicts feel for their friends.

I also hold very high my Mongoose Merlin, whom saved me from some ugly places in my early adventures, she said "What are you doing here?" "You clearly don't belong here". Skyra Woodget who its Second Life's self earned Jet Set, a complete woman, mother and selfless giver, with a high a healthy self esteem. Sky2 who has a protective heart and always took care of me from a distance. As you see friendships can flourish in SL, being this one of the real hits of that place.
Hence my description of Immersion stage ends with the mention of some of the friends I made back then, I think with those words you can get the picture of the feelings that start to build inside the developing addict spirits. And of course my first real virtual friend, the ever cool Willa W.