Early days are used mostly on modifying appearance and exploring, exploring has to be one of the best and most rewarding activities to do in SL. Of course there are people who rush into the sexual exploration. Even do I was curious as always and I had already visited a few "themed" islands, I was not attracted to behaving like a monkey on SL and I was determined to treat my avatar with some self-respect and not do anything I wouldn't do in real life.
That does not mean that I didn't want to see the deepest, darkest things, in fact I wanted to see them all, to understand worlds, activities and different ways of thinking from the ones in my life. I visited a vampire themed castle, that I could never find later again, I was there walking like a duck (you need to get special code to walk sexy or more normally) with my nobie hair, free clothes trying not to look like a whore, when I ran into this Dracula castle, there were people dancing and others just watching, I did not even know how to use music, so I guess there was music to all that dance. I got frozen maybe due to some veteran jokester who kept freezing me, but I kept coming back since no one would scare me that easily! I saw a person using a half dressed child avatar, in fact baby avatar, not knowing what was the deal I was hit with the fact there is a lot of perverted role play going on in SL, I was taking notes.
I left, to continue my journey. The method I used was to open the map, and hit random places, and religiously I decided to start with the 4th corners, the far far places that I could find, it was time for the right top corner so I selected an island that looked the farthest. There I was going to fall into a mind rabbit hole, that would take me almost a year to endure and is still engraved in my memory.
When appeared on that corner of the world I found my self on an empty mountain, when this happens the thing to do is to fly and travel until you find a green spot on the mini-map that indicates a person but this particular green dot tried to escape into his workshop, but I landed just on his front yard.
This busy inventor had this intriguing shape, not your normal hulk male type, he had a long gray pony tail and for clothes he used a texture appearing all white with black letters and no eyes or features. He told me he used that outfit to fool his friends who kept asking if he had "rezzed" alright. I answered that a few days back a pervert in unloaded clothing had chased me asking for a hug and that I found it a bit scary. He changed into a normal clothing and it was refreshing to see an avatar man in his mid 50's.
Then he started jumping around, I reckon that I appeared quite stupid back then -If not now- he said I should try it and he gave me the animation he was using, so we both started jumping around like little brats, of course he was making fun of me trough this vivid expression of the image I pictured -"I will get my chance to show who I am" I thought- and we chatted nicely for a few minutes, he said it was strange that such a young person would visit that far, that it normally took people a year before visiting that area - That was a compliment.
Then he offered to show me something in his back shop, all my danger alerts started on my mind! -Why would I trust this guy? as I am thinking this he said "-Oh I keep forgetting how young you are." com'on nothing will happen to you.

After taking this picture (or one similar to it for it was so long ago) I followed him and he indicated me to use a teleport, another first, after final hesitation I did and I found myself inside nothing, only he, myself and complete darkness, it was strangely relaxing I did not care if something happened to me, there was something about this place and my new friend, he told me to press the music button and I heard SL radio stations, it was classical music.
He pointed at a floating sphere, that sphere floated and traveled in the air like if we were playing with planets in the middle of the Universe, and when touched the sphere would send colorful particles flight around, it was so beautiful, they shed light as they floated and he had made them, he did not know what purpose would they serve, and as we were standing on what looked to be a trip into the center of the universe, we discussed some physics, (I had to show I was not a complete air-head) and I offered that light travels in a straight pattern and his spheres shed light in curves... he said he liked it that way, we also talked some other deep stuff, I don't know if I was smart of stupid but I said what was on my mind and what my spirit told me was right. I was stroked by the creativity possible in Second Life and it was evident that all of it its only in its infancy.
I left Jazzman Jibilla for the time being, a friend for ever. If earlier I had become hooked to SL without me ever knowing it, than night I truly fell through a rabbit hole.
Nice to hear some more "Mony" moments from the past! Here's a pic I found that will bring back memories for you of days at the beach - maybe when you had your beach house, yes?
I like the flying chick!!
Hey Siggs, Oh yes it is! I am glad to see you posting on this blog.
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