Furthermore part of my thesis its that analyzing this phenomenon in stages can help its understanding. In this stage I offer what I call "Initial Exploration".
- Starts with curiosity - some of us expect much less and get blindsided
- The main addictive aspect could be the possibility of creating a perfect being
- Anonymity allows behaviors different to the ones in our ordinary life's
- The awkwardness of walking funny, being inexperienced and looking up to people forms a place full of "awe"
- Discovering strange and original people
Avatar created identity becomes so strong and people can develop such an emotional attachment to their own virtual persona and to others worse that a rat in an experiment. Your mind tells you one thing but the eyes feed the body with wrong information, people in Second Life its not what they portray, something that starts with not even using your own name, and goes on to become a giant masquerade party.
You might want to write about one of the other stages: Relapse. I suggest this now because it is fresh in our thinking and you can explain your feelings. No-one said that once you leave, that's it! It's like weight loss; you lose what you want, then find it goes back up again, so you go through a dieting period again. The plan is usually to make the periods between dieting periods longer and longer.
So, think about what makes a relapse happen because if people can spot what to look for, maybe they can cope better.
Thanks Siggs! I will I will... I need to remember the other stages, and then hit hard on re-lapse. I was so happy about being out for the best part of 2 months.
Thanks for reading!
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